2018 Signature Rosé

Signature Rose
Signature Rose Vertical

2018 Signature Rosé


Six bottles of the luxuriant and delicious Signature Rosé from 2018.  Full of intense wild strawberries, juicy raspberries and memories of hot summer days.  

Enjoyed at Alain Ducasse with their iconic lobster medallions, chicken quenelles, Périgord truffles and homemade semolina pasta.

2018 Signature Rosé × 6


Delivery UK Only. For EU orders please contact amy@hundredhills.wine

What's Included
Signature Rose Bottle

Signature Rosé

6 x 2018 Signature Rosé

A luxuriant array of ripe summer strawberries and raspberries from the warm and generous 2018 vintage. Pristine flavours that last long after the glass is finished.

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